The 242 detainees held by Hamas must be safely returned to allow diplomacy to resume negotiations

 Statements from Interview in SKYNEWS ARABIA on November 7, 2023

A Legitimate Question

French academic Frank Farnel acknowledges the fact that Israelis outside of the military carry weapons to “protect themselves” after witnessing the events on October 7th. This refers to the Hamas kidnappings of Israelis within colonies during sudden infiltration operations.

At the same time, he believes that “all democratic parliaments in the world have the right to question the appropriate destination of the weapons they provide. The same goes for all technologies in the context of peace-time trade.”

In his commentary to Sky News Arabia, he further states, “An escalation of the conflict remains possible, as we have reached a level of tension where the slightest spark could trigger a massive explosion. The 242 detainees held by Hamas must be safely returned to allow diplomacy to resume negotiations for a just and sustainable future for all parties involved, while respecting everyone’s right to live in stable and secure countries.”

The 242 detainees held by Hamas must be safely returned to allow diplomacy to resume negotiations for a just and sustainable future for all parties involved, while respecting everyone’s right to live in stable and secure countries

Article published in SKYNEWS ARABIA on November 7, 2023

Washington is examining a shipment of rifles requested by Israel. Why now?

Sky News Arabia – Abou Dhabi

The U.S. administration seeks to ensure that a requested shipment of rifles requested by Tel Aviv does not reach Israeli settlers. Concerns arise that it may be “used in aggression against Palestinians,” further fueling the ongoing conflict.

According to a report by The New York Times, Israel has requested 24,000 assault rifles, including semi-automatic and automatic, from American firearms manufacturers, amounting to $34 million. This agreement will require approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and notification to Congress.

The newspaper notes in its Sunday report that U.S. lawmakers and certain officials from the Department of State are cautiously reviewing this request, fearing that the weapons might end up in the hands of settlers and militias seeking to force residents of the West Bank to leave their land and relocate to Jordan.

This concern is sparked by the fact that when the Department of State inquired about the use of these weapons, Israel responded that they would be used by the police and could also be given to civilians, which is allowed for the first time in such agreements, according to sources close to the arms orders as told to The New York Times. 

Concerns of a Regional War

The expert in national security issues, Scott Morgan, commented on this news, stating on “Sky News Arabia” that President Joe Biden had previously warned of the danger of an escalation of the situation in the West Bank and the expansion of clashes between settlers and Palestinians living in neighboring neighborhoods. This has made the situation uncontrollable.

Morgan emphasizes that although the US administration strongly supports Israel, it also wishes for the conflict not to escalate into a regional war.

On October 25th, Biden demanded that the settlers stop attacking Palestinians, stating in a press conference held with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese in Washington that these attacks were like “pouring gasoline” on an already blazing fire, and “it must stop now.”

 A Legitimate Question

French academic Frank Farnel acknowledges the fact that Israelis outside of the military carry weapons to “protect themselves” after witnessing the events on October 7th. This refers to the Hamas kidnappings of Israelis within colonies during sudden infiltration operations.

At the same time, he believes that “all democratic parliaments in the world have the right to question the appropriate destination of the weapons they provide. The same goes for all technologies in the context of peace-time trade.”

In his commentary to Sky News Arabia, he further states, “An escalation of the conflict remains possible, as we have reached a level of tension where the slightest spark could trigger a massive explosion. The 242 detainees held by Hamas must be safely returned to allow diplomacy to resume negotiations for a just and sustainable future for all parties involved, while respecting everyone’s right to live in stable and secure countries.”

Israeli Settler Attacks: A Stark Warning for Government Policies

Recent attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinians in the West Bank have highlighted the dangerous consequences of arming and empowering these settlers under the guise of self-defense.

These attacks have included the murder and assault of Palestinians, such as incidents in Naplouse and Jerusalem just days ago. Additionally, settlers distributed threatening leaflets, warning residents that they will be forcibly relocated to Jordan, reminiscent of the Nakba of 1948 which sparked warnings of an uprising in Jordan. Such actions only serve to further inflame and destabilize the situation in the West Bank.

An Israeli newspaper, “Haaretz,” revealed a leaflet believed to be distributed by settlers in the West Bank, threatening forced expulsion to Jordan for its residents. Though the leaflet bears no party affiliation, it refers to Palestinians as the “enemy people in Jewish West Bank” and ominously states, “You wanted a catastrophe similar to that of 1948, so by God, we will soon bring a great catastrophe upon your heads.” It adds that Palestinians have a chance to “escape to Jordan…before we forcefully expel you.”

Ben Ghafir Militias

Israeli authorities have previously warned that extremist Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, is in the process of creating an armed militia under his command, which would escalate the situation in Israel and the West Bank.

Ben Gvir announced through his account on “X” website the establishment of reserve teams in regional councils and cities, consisting of thousands of recruited volunteers who will be armed and provided with protective equipment. The number of teams has reached 600.

The actions taken by the Minister of National Security coincide with a significant increase in firearm sales to civilians in Israel, driven by fears of further unrest.


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